In order to integrate EposnowHQ with a third party application or website, e.g. one which you have not developed yourself, you will first need to verify that the site or application in question has an API available.
Without an API there is no way to access the information in the application and therefore integration would not be possible.

How to Integrate a Custom Site or Application:

Sandbox API Login ID and Transaction Key.

What can be Integrated

  1. Customers – API access to Read/Add/Edit/Delete customers. Example uses:
    • Automatically export address information for marketing integrations (e.g Mailchimp).
    • Sync customers with your existing CRM.
    • Integrate with another loyalty system.
    • Create a system for prize draw.
    • Automatically send texts and emails to customers using third party software.

  2. Booking – API access to Read/Add/Edit/Delete bookings. Example uses:
    • Add bookings to the Backoffice from your website.
    • Read all bookings to automatically add them to your Google calendar.
    • Sync bookings with an existing booking system for a hotel, B&B, etc.

  3. Products – API access to Read/Add/Edit/Delete products. Example uses:
    • Generate listings for an e-commerce site.
    • Automatically update pricing of products from another system.
    • Generate a digital table menu.
    • Create an application for stock market style price changes.

  4. Stock – API access to Read/Add/Edit/Delete stock. Example uses:
    • Sync product stock levels with an online store.
    • Show items remaining in stock on a customer facing display.
    • Update your stock levels from another stock management system.

  5. Transactions – API access to Read transactions. Example uses:
    • Read sales data and automatically add it to an Accountancy package.
    • Automatically add Backoffice sales data to a reporting tool.
    • Automatically save Backoffice sales data as a spreadsheet each week.

  6. More on demand
    We will be expanding the API features constantly to provide as much control over your data as possible.
    The current features listed above were chosen due to their perceived demand and usefulness
    We will continue development of future API features on the same basis.

What can NOT be integrated

The API interacts with the data stored in the cloud and therefore cannot be used to interact directly with the till.

Example Integration

We have provided the Digital Specials Board example integration to show what can be done with the API.
Check this out at our Example Apps Section

How Does It Work?

Using our API will enable you to create your own apps and services to consume EposnowHQ services.

Before you can use the API there are a couple of things you will need to do; the following pages will take you through the first two steps.
Once you're ready, see the Documentation pages for detailed instructions on how to use the API.

To use our API you need to create an API Device

An API device is created in the same way as any other device in the Backoffice and uses one of your device licenses. Each one contains credentials which can be used for authentication when accessing the API. To create a new API device, follow these steps:

  • Select Web Integrations from the main menu in the EposnowHQ Backoffice.
  • Open the REST API page from the sub menu, here you will see a list of all of your API devices as well as your limits for API usage.
  • Click Add Device to create a new API device.
  • Fill in the details for your new device and click Add.

You can view the security credentials of a device at any time by clicking the Access Credentials button next to each API device.
Credentials can be reset by clicking the Regenerate button at the bottom right of the screen:

API Limits

Each account has a limit on the number of API requests it can make. When the number of requests exceeds the limit, an API Limit Exceeded error will be returned for any request.
To check or update your API Limits, please visit the EposnowHQ Backoffice and you will find the API Page in the Web Integrations menu.